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Agenda IB

Eneida de Paula

Biochemical pharmacology and pharmaceutical technology: 1) Development and characterization of drug-delivery systems in carriers such as cyclodextrins, liposomes, Nanostructured lipid carriers; 2) Biochemistry and Biophysics applied to the study of amphiphile interaction with biomimetic systems.

Paulo Sérgio Moreira Carvalho de Oliveira

Ecology and Social Behavior of Ants
Ant-Plant Interactions,
Multitrophic Interactions Involving Ants,
Ant-Plant Mutualisms,
Molecular Ecology of Ants,
Ant-Associated Microbial Communities,
Antipredator Defense in Insects

André Victor Lucci Freitas

Labbor is located in the Animal Biology Department (Departamento de Biologia Animal) at Unicamp, Campinas, SãoPaulo. The lab focuses its research in studies on natural history, ecology and systematics of Neotropical lepidoptera. Current lines of research include butterfly taxonomy and phylogeny, natural history, adult and immature morphology, community ecology, and conservation.