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Agenda IB

André Victor Lucci Freitas

Labbor is located in the Animal Biology Department (Departamento de Biologia Animal) at Unicamp, Campinas, SãoPaulo. The lab focuses its research in studies on natural history, ecology and systematics of Neotropical lepidoptera. Current lines of research include butterfly taxonomy and phylogeny, natural history, adult and immature morphology, community ecology, and conservation.

Valéria Helena Alves Cagnon Quitete

The Laboratory of Reproductive Biology has studied the prostatic microenvironmental changes such as proliferative lesions associated or not with the aging process. The prostatic stroma dynamics as well as the stroma-epithelium interaction have also been the focus of our research, due to the main roles of these glandular compartments in the development and progression of the prostatic lesions associated with inflammation; angiogenesis; and oxidative stress. These studies have used different therapies, including those with natural compounds such as Brazilian berries, and a transgenic adenocarcinoma of the mouse prostate (Tramp) model. In addition to this, biological techniques for instance, immunohistochemistry; western blotting; microdissection; morphology; stereology and PCR have been used. Others studies using human prostatic cells (in vitro) focusing on prostatic cancer; hormonal imbalance; and biological processes (angiogenesis; inflammation; and oxidative stress) have also been developed.

Ana Paula Couto Davel

Our primary research focus is to understand functional and molecular mechanism underlying vascular complications on cardiovascular and metabolic diseases such as obesity, undernutrition and dyslipidemias. The laboratory uses in vivo and in vitro experimental approaches including blood pressure measurement, the study of vascular function and structure, and biochemical and molecular biology methods.