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Agenda IB

André Victor Lucci Freitas

Labbor is located in the Animal Biology Department (Departamento de Biologia Animal) at Unicamp, Campinas, SãoPaulo. The lab focuses its research in studies on natural history, ecology and systematics of Neotropical lepidoptera. Current lines of research include butterfly taxonomy and phylogeny, natural history, adult and immature morphology, community ecology, and conservation.

Thomas Michael Lewinsohn

Insect-plant interactions
Community ecology
Spatial, functional and structural organization of biodiversity
History of ecology

Marcelo Carnier Dornelas

In the past our group has shown the conservation of the LEAFY gene function and expression patterns during vegetative-to-reproductive transition in tropical tree species. More recently we have been interested on the role of MADS-box genes in defining floral organ morphology and size, using Arabidopsis and passionfruit as models. Current work in our group focus on the molecular networks controlling plant development, taking into account the influences of genomic evolution and the effects of hormones such as auxins, cytokinins and gibberellins. Besides still being concentrated in studying gene function and expression patterns during vegetative-to-reproductive transition, we recently enlarged our interests into floral organ development and evolution as well as tropical fruit development.